Jeg har over 25 års erfaring med å hjelpe mennesker til å føle seg tryggere. Mange sliter med problemer som stress, angst, depresjon eller hvilket valg de skal ta.
Du kan ta kontakt på "PRISER PÅ TJENESTER OG HVORDAN KONTAKTE MEG" i menyfeltet til venstre, eller
Vær varmt velkommen og trygg på at alt som blir kommunisert mellom oss er konfidensielt.
Welcome to my Alternative page. My hub is Thorbjørn. I am a psychic healerI am known from Divination Services and Expert Help
That page is open 24 hours a day for booking on thtvedt @ live or sms to +47 47400538. When you pay you get a phone number. which you should call by appointment.
All my services have an age limit of 18 years.
The service costs only NOK 20.00 per minute (sometimes less see the offer page). From mobile, the price is a little higher, depending on your mobile operator. You pay in advance on vipps 47400538 or bank no. 91001242283. When payment is made, the agreement is binding. On average, a call lasts about 15 minutes, a call will then cost you approx. NOK 300. Respect and honesty are important to me. I follow rules of good teletorg practice, and set high ethical requirements. Everyone who calls clairvoyant must remember that it is always the clairvoyant's interpretation that comes up. Caller must take responsibility for the "use" of the clairvoyant's guidance. I can therefore not take responsibility for life choices that are made as a result of the conversations with me. One can not guarantee results with healing. It is also important to remember that not all diseases can be cured with healing. The treatments or methods are not intended to diagnose or treat disease, or as a substitute for medical supervision. For treatment of the disease, the individual is referred to their doctor. Some people really need help from agencies other than me, contact other competent sources. If such calls occur, I reserve the right to interrupt the call or I will refer you on. I aim to have satisfied customers. The feedback is very positive, and I will continue to develop my offers and services.
Velkommen til min Alternativside Mitt nav er Thorbjørn. Jeg er synske healer. Jeg er kjent fra Spåtjenester og Eksperthjelp
Den siden er åpen hele døynet for booking på thtvedt@live eller sms til 47400538. Når du betaler får du et telefonnr. som du skal ringe til etter avtale.